Swimming pools deserve pristine water – both for private and public use. One way to ensure this ideal balance is to make sure the parameters (pH, Chlorine, Alkalinity etc) are working together in a synchronized fashion – ie the Water is in Balance.
When water is in balance, it is said to be neither corrosive nor scale-forming. In other words, it will neither dissolve an existing layer of scale nor will it deposit a layer of calcium scale. Unbalanced water can aggressively eat away at the pool's infrastructure.
The Langelier Saturation Index (sometimes also known as the Langelier Stability Index) was developed in the 1930's to determine a formula resulting in a single calculated number which is used to notify how much calcium is in the water. The golden result of just above "0" means the water is 'in balance'.
The Index is very reliable, using various parameters that can have an effect on the water balance and each is given a factor to give an Index value. Those parameters are: pH; Total Alkalinity; Calcium Hardness; Total Dissolved Solids; Temperature. Each of these parameters has an effect on each other proven by a formula. The formula, however, can be complex to calculate - often leading to errors in determining the exact value.
The Lovibond® team has now solved this problem with an App - completely free to download. It's easy to use, simply change the parameter measurement according to your readings and find out how close to 'balance' the pool water is. The golden result of just above “0” means the water is ‘in balance’.
As experts in pool and spa water analysis, the Lovibond® team has always been keen to educate on the importance of balanced water, otherwise known as the Langelier Index.